Make ATO Easy
Get the only Risk Management Framework platform tailor-made for secure, agile and compliant Continuous Delivery
Get the only Risk Management Framework platform tailor-made for secure, agile and compliant Continuous Delivery
Continuous authorizations are harder because you have to have an ecosystem and a support structure that allows you to see in real-time, understand the system, and get insight into changes — and that ecosystem doesn’t exist inside the DoD.- DANIEL HOLTZMAN, AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL (AO), DOD CHIEF DIGITAL & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE (CDAO), OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
Securing the average software Authorization To Operate (ATO) consumes 18 months, demands over $2 million in expenditures, and is stale upon granting. The results are antiquated software and vulnerabilities in critical information systems.
Enter TRACER - start building scaleable, iterable, and agile software systems without sacrificing security and compliance.
Deliver secure applications faster - focus on innovation, not paperwork
Scale your system with reusable and inheritable components
Continuously monitor your system in real-time and address vulnerabilities as they emerge
It can take an estimated 4,200 workforce hours for companies to receive an ATO, with much of the effort due to manual review and transcription of documentation.