How to Use Growth Boards for Accountability in Government Software Delivery

Explore the benefits of Growth Boards in fostering transparency, cross-functional collaboration, and mission-focused outcomes in government software projects.

In recent years, the need for enhanced accountability in government software delivery projects has become increasingly evident. Traditional project management frameworks often fall short in providing the transparency and agility required for modern software development. One promising solution to this challenge is the adoption of Growth Boards, a concept borrowed from venture capital practices. Growth Boards offer a lean governance model aimed at driving measurable mission outcomes. Here, we explore how governments can effectively implement Growth Boards to enhance accountability in their software delivery projects.

What Are Growth Boards?

Growth Boards are an innovative governance framework designed to ensure transparency, cross-functional collaboration, and continuous improvement in software delivery. Unlike traditional management reviews, Growth Boards convene a diverse group of stakeholders, including project leads, developers, security personnel, and contracting officers, to serve single or multiple teams. This cross-functional representation ensures  consideration of all aspects of a project and swift identification and response to potential blockers.

Key Features of Growth Boards

  • Transparency and Lean Governance: Growth Boards operate with a high level of transparency, where all participants adhere to the same standards. This eliminates opacity and ensures everyone is on the same page regarding project objectives and progress.
  • Cross-Functional Teams: These boards consist of members from various functions within the organization. Their primary role is to support the teams by removing obstacles and facilitating faster build, measure, and learn cycles. This servant leadership approach ensures that teams have the necessary support to succeed.
  • Focus on Mission Metrics: Growth Boards are not involved in day-to-day product decisions. Instead, they focus on high-level mission metrics that reflect real customer value. This allows teams to concentrate on delivering impactful outcomes rather than getting bogged down in granular details.
  • Continuous Feedback and Adaptation: Regular Growth Board meetings provide an opportunity for leadership to give constructive feedback, align efforts with overarching mission goals, and make informed decisions about resource allocation. This iterative process helps in adapting to changing circumstances more efficiently.

Implementing Growth Boards in Government Projects

Several critical steps are imperative to successfully adopt Growth Boards in government software delivery projects:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Establish clear, measurable mission outcomes that align with the broader goals of the organization. This helps set the right expectations and provides a basis for evaluating success.
  2. Assemble the Right Team: Create a cross-functional team with representatives from all relevant areas, such as development, security, and contracting. Ensure these individuals are committed to removing blockers and facilitating progress.
  3. Set Transparent Rules and Metrics: Develop a transparent framework where everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Use objective metrics to measure progress and success, ensuring these metrics reflect real customer value and mission impact.
  4. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Encourage teams to continuously seek improvement in their processes and outcomes. Provide regular opportunities for feedback and make data-driven decisions to steer the project in the right direction.
  5. Ensure Alignment with Mission Goals: Align Growth Board efforts and project teams with the broader mission goals. This mitigates local optimizations that do not contribute to global success.

Benefits of Growth Boards in GovTech

Adopting Growth Boards can lead to several significant benefits for government software delivery projects. With clear metrics and regular reviews, Growth Boards enhance accountability at all levels of the project. Cross-functional teams break down silos and promote better communication and collaboration across different areas of the organization. And by focusing on high-level outcomes and removing blockers, Growth Boards enable faster and more objective decision-making, ensuring alignment of all efforts with mission goals.


Growth Boards represent a powerful tool for enhancing accountability and effectiveness in government software delivery projects. By fostering transparency, cross-functional collaboration, and a focus on mission metrics, Growth Boards can help government organizations deliver high-quality software solutions that meet the needs of their stakeholders. Embracing this innovative governance model can pave the way for more successful and impactful software projects in the public sector.